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Sweet Partners for Tea Plays Flavors

After Lunch

When you match a high quality tea to a quick bite, the flavor combinations can be complex and satisfying. We suggest snacks for our herb and flower flavors.


Though they tend to be briefer than a whole meal, sweet recipes based on the consumption of tea can be subtle and refined. Think of moon cakes eaten together with or fresh or dried fruit during the Chinese Autumn festival, the English 'High tea' with its trestle tables of little sandwiches and cream cakes, or a Russian tea party with sugar dusted cookies and myriad tarts and pancakes, not to mention the fruit jams that one may stir into the cup if so inclined.

To celebrate Tea Plays' successful testing of its flower, herb and tea blended bonbons for the standards of the FDA (see yesterday's News entry for more details), we want to share some possible flavor combinations that ought to go well with our excellent floral and herbal ingredients.

Calendula and Mint (Good Morning): Mint, a classic strong herb with a heady, astringent taste, can stand up next to chocolate as well as it can to the toasted, metallic taste of black tea – hence its frequent pairing with both of these. Calendula or Marigold is an edible flower with a heavy lingering odor and taste, and carries a gentle sweetness that can pair with the dairy products in European breakfasts. Try a French pain au chocolat, toast with chocolate or hazelnut spread at breakfast, American pancakes with maple syrup, or a piece of light cake or pastry later in the day.

Rosemary and ginseng (Brainstorming): Rosemary is a hardy flowering shrub whose robust flavor finds its way into meat dishes as well as shampoos and cosmetics, dried herb garnishes and nowadays even sweet chocolate cakes. Ginseng root is a renowned energy giver and carries a bittersweet intensity. We suggest pairing with dried fruit or a snack based on peanuts, coconuts or macadamia.

Jasmine (After Lunch): An intoxicating flowering tree that is the basis for Chinese infusions as well as French perfumes, Jasmine has an instantly recognizable flavor that pairs well with a milder fruits and spices such as apple and vanilla. Try with an apple tart or crumble and a little cream or vanilla custard.

Rose (Sweet Home): A classic Silk Road flavor that appears in skin oils, perfumes, baking essences and teas from Turkey to China, Rose is another highly recognizable flower that can either be paired with a milder partner or a spicier snack to surprise your palate. Try a Moroccan pastry with almond and honey or a chocolate flavored with Mexican chili or pepper.

PS – Remember that your pairing will be as light and healthy as the dessert or sweet snack that you choose to go along with your tea...

Tags: Tea Recipes

Good Morning

Good Morning

Dianhong black tea awakens you Calendula helps with anti-radiation Mint refreshes you in the morning


  • Red Tea
  • Calendula
  • Mint


Oolong gives natural sweetness Ginseng energizes you


  • Oolong Tea
  • Ginseng
  • Rosemary
After Lunch

After Lunch

Raw Puer & Hawthorn, key to digestion Jasmine freshens your breath


  • Pu'er Tea
  • Jasmine
  • Hawthorn
Sweet Home

Sweet Home

Fermented Puer soothes you Rose comforts with a pleasant aroma.


  • Fermented Pu'er Tea
  • Rose
  • Stevia
  • Good Morning
  • Brainstorming
  • After Lunch
  • Sweet Home
  • Good Morning

    Dianhong black tea awakens you Calendula helps with anti-radiation Mint refreshes you in the morning


    • Red Tea
    • Calendula
    • Mint


  • Brainstorming

    Oolong gives natural sweetness Ginseng energizes you


    • Oolong Tea
    • Ginseng
    • Rosemary


  • After Lunch

    Raw Puer & Hawthorn, key to digestion Jasmine freshens your breath


    • Pu'er Tea
    • Jasmine
    • Hawthorn


  • Sweet Home

    Fermented Puer soothes you Rose comforts with a pleasant aroma.


    • Fermented Pu'er Tea
    • Rose
    • Stevia


  • Good Morning
  • Brainstorming
  • After Lunch
  • Sweet Home

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